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MUSABAEV Samat Bazarbaevich
Member of the Committee on Finance and Budget of Mazhilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Samat Bazarbaevich Musabayev was born on 01.01.1969 in the village of Shayyr, Mangistau region, in a large family of teachers.

After graduating from vocational school No. 5 p. In 1987, he entered the Kyzylorda Institute of Agricultural Engineers, where he graduated in 1994 with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering, having received the qualification of a civil engineer. From 1988 to 1989, he served in the SA military service. He began his career in 1994. JSC "Ozenmunaigas" master. He held the positions of foreman, head of the site, deputy head of the department in this company.

Samat Bazarbaevich Musabayev was elected a deputy of the regional maslikhat of the Mangystau region in 2016, and he conducts a lot of public work. He's a member of the polit. the council of the city branch of the Nur Otan party. From 2007 to the present, he heads the Board of the public association "Mangystau-Kurylys", which unites 30 construction companies in the region