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KYRYKBAYEV Temir Bazarbaiuly
Member of the Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development of Mazhilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Born on May 3, 1983 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zhyzak.

In 2000 he graduated from the school-Ginazia No. 7 named after Turan Zhetysai, in 2004 from the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University in Astana, in 2011 from the Syrdarya University.

Speaks Kazakh, Russian, Uzbek, Turkish.

Married, has 4 sons, 1 daughter.

He started his career as deputy director of the construction company "Abuchina".

In 2008, Taimas Company LLP opened a construction company. The state has issued a construction license of the II degree for carrying out construction works. This construction institution carried out construction work on more than 50 objects, in particular, carried out major repairs of the buildings of the Prosecutor's Office of Astana, the Prosecutor's office of the Esil district and the administrative court of Astana. In addition, along with the construction of new schools in the districts, he is engaged in landscaping. Natural gas pipelines were laid to many settlements in the southern regions. In 2019, he participated in the overhaul of the houses of the affected residents of the city and the construction of new housing during the emergency situation in the city of Arys.

In the elections of 2021, he was elected a deputy of the Turkestan regional Maslikhat. As a deputy of the regional maslikhat, in order to identify emergency schools and three-shift schools of the city, districts, together with the regional Department of Human Development, a special working group was created, supervised and conducted research. To date, additional buildings are being erected in three-shift schools and new schools have been started instead of emergency schools, and effective work is underway.

Member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Issues and Local Self-Government in the regional maslikhat, member of the Public Council at the Turkestan regional branch of the AMANAT party.

Since March 2023, Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the VIII convocation, member of the AMANAT party.

He was awarded the jubilee medal "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2021).